Ammonite and Number 8 Mine Turquoise Post Earrings

Product Description
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Custom made for Earring Girl by Denise Jenkins! These rare ammonites and number 8 mine turquoise stones are hand cut and set in sterling silver. These post earrings are one of a kind due to the materials and the artist’s hand. Signed by the artist.
This pair hangs 1 1/8 inches from the ear. The body of the earing is ½ inch wide. The silver linear part of the design sticks out to 7/8ths of an inch.
The Number 8 turquoise mine in Carlin, Nevada was first mined in 1929. In its prime, Number 8 produced some of the largest nuggets of turquoise ever found. It’s instantly recognized and prized for its weblike markings of gold, brown and black set against a sky blue background. The mine has been depleted for years which makes it‘s availability limited and makes it valuable to collectors.
Ammonites are an extinct group of marine animals and are the most widely known fossil; they are cephalopods and first appeared in the seas 415 million years ago.
The Navajo and Indians of the North American Plains carried ammonites in their medicine bags for health and good hunting. They called the ammonites buffalo stones because of their resemblance to the North American bison.